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Alpha Iota Imperials
Class of Spring 2018
237. Austin “XO! The $outhbay $EAL” Quicho
238. Jaevante “Dum Kennedy//Ki1m0nger” Valenciano
239. Dustin “B.A.T” Tong
241. Edward “B.$.B.” Garcia
242. Redmond “Thv Pr1nc3” Vera
243. Sam “R.I.P” Nguyen
244. Calvin “O.T.S 2x $carFace” Nguyen
245. Austin “AB-Sol” Apolonia
246. Remy “CLOUD-burst” Huynh
247. Jason “Experiment 626” Ni
248. Joseph “Straight Razor” Yuzon
249. James “T.H.E Baby Faze Assass1n” Custodio

237. Austin "XO! the $outhbay $EAL" Quicho

238. Jaevante “Dum Kennedy//Ki1m0nger" Valenciano

239. Dustin “B.A.T” Tong

241. Edward “B.$.B.” Garcia

242. Redmond “Thv Pr1nc3" Vera

243. Sam “R.I.P” Nguyen

244. Calvin “O.T.S 2x $carFace” Nguyen

245. Austin “AB-Sol” Apolonia

246. Remy “CLOUD-burst” Huynh
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